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Breathe Life Into Your Walls

Vendor Policy

  • Vendors will comply with all applicable laws and regulations of India and the country of manufacture. Vendors will also comply with all applicable national and international trade related laws while transporting goods.
  • Vendors will comply with all environmental legislations and will take care of the environment.
  • As and when necessary or required by Berger, vendors will comply with applicable standards under ISO, BIS, etc.
  • There shall be respect for human rights, and no employee of a vendor shall suffer harassment, physical or mental punishment, or other form of abuse.
  • Wages and working hours will, as a minimum, comply with all applicable wage and hour laws, and rules and regulations, including minimum wage and maximum hours in the country concerned.
  • There shall be no use of forced or compulsory labour and employees shall be free to leave employment after reasonable notice.
  • There shall be no use of child labour, and specifically there will be compliance with relevant International Labour Organization (ILO) standards.
  • The working conditions of the employees of the vendors will be safe and healthy.
  • All products and services will be delivered to meet the quality and safety criteria specified in relevant contract elements and law, and will be safe for their intended use.
  • Business will be conducted with integrity. A vendor will not offer any gift, hospitality or material benefits to any employee or person who may influence Berger's decision to accept an offer. Gifts customarily given on special occasions like New Year, Diwali, Pujas, Christmas, etc., which not expensive in value or distributed generally and openly at ceremonies and a business lunch or dinner shall not come under purview of this Clause. Invitation to employees in general customer meets, seminars, conferences organized by business partners under an open invitation will also not fall under the purview of this clause. There will be no actual or attempted money laundering.
  • Berger's direct suppliers will take responsibility to require adherence to the principles of this Supplier Code from their direct suppliers and exercise diligence in verifying that these principles are being adhered to in their supply chains.
  • Non-compliance with this Policy may lead to cancellation of contract or blacklisting of a vendor.

1st January, 2016