Wall Paint Colors for Creating Playful Kids Room

Turn your child’s room into a magical world with Berger Silk Glamor’s playful paint colours!

Does your kids’ room feel more like a dull box than a space that sparks their imagination? Imagine a room that explodes with creativity, a space where your child’s imagination can soar. Well, stop imagining and start creating! 

The first step is to embark on a fantastical journey with your child. What kind of magical world do they dream of? Berger Silk Glamor’s vast colour palette allows you to bring any vision to life. Create a soothing underwater haven with calming blues or paint a vibrant jungle scene bursting with emerald greens. With a splash of childrens bedroom paint colours from Berger’s Silk Glamor range, you can transform any room into a haven for sparking joy and fostering your little one’s imagination too!

Unveiling The Magic Of Berger Silk Glamor 

Cleaning Up is a Breeze: Kids are messy, it’s a fact. But with Silk Glamor, cleaning up is a breeze! The super-washable formula means crayon masterpieces, muddy handprints, and even the occasional mystery stain disappear with a quick wipe. No more scrubbing or repainting every time your little Picasso gets creative!

Cracks? No Problem! Walls settling and developing hairline cracks? Don’t sweat it. Berger Silk Glamor’s special elastomeric film acts like a superhero cape for your walls. It has the amazing ability to bridge those tiny cracks, keeping your paint job looking flawless and your walls feeling invincible.

Eco-Friendly Magic: We all want to leave a positive footprint on the planet, and we get it. Berger Silk Glamor is Green Pro certified, meaning it’s formulated with eco-conscious practices in mind. Now you can create a magical space for your child while feeling good about the environment.

Now dive in as we explore some playful colour palettes from Berger Silk Glamor that will turn your child’s room into a world of wonder, along with some tips on how our Berger Express Painting professionals can help bring your vision to life!

Kids Room With Three Wall Shades

When it comes to room paint color, as seen in the photograph above, Berger Silk Glamor’s apricot shade is a warm and inviting shade that can fill the room with cheer. Pair it with creamy beige for a touch of elegance and crisp white to create a sense of spaciousness. This combination is perfect for a playful nursery or an art studio for your budding Picasso. 

Kids Room With Blue Wall Shade

Let your child’s imagination take a deep dive with Berger Silk Glamor’s calming blue shade. The blue seen above evokes the feeling of a cool ocean breeze, perfect for igniting a sense of adventure. It instantly transports your child’s room into a vast underwater world. Picture playful dolphins leaping across the walls, or majestic whales gliding gracefully through the space. Keep the rest of the room light and airy. This colour is ideal for a nautical-themed room or a playroom that doubles as an underwater kingdom. 

Kids Room With Pastel Wall Shades

For a calming and peaceful environment, color shades in pastels can work wonders. The beauty of pastel shades lies in their ability to evoke a sense of calmness and tranquillity. Unlike their bolder counterparts, pastels don’t overwhelm the senses. Instead, they create a soothing ambiance, perfect for fostering relaxation and unwinding. 

Create a gentle symphony of colour with Berger Silk Glamor’s pastel pink and pastel blue as seen in the picture above. This light pink and light blue combination fosters a sense of serenity, perfect for a cosy reading nook or a bedroom that lulls your little one into sweet dreams. 

Kids Room With Green Wall Shade

Embrace the natural world with a touch of Berger Silk Glamor. This verdant green photographed above injects a burst of life into any space, perfect for a jungle gym room or a creative corner where your child can connect with nature.

This is a green that’s more than just a colour; it’s an experience. Imagine walls that evoke a thriving rainforest canopy. Monkey bars become sturdy branches, climbing walls morph into moss-covered rock faces, and swings transform into jungle vines. With this wall shade, your kids’ room becomes a launchpad for endless imaginative safaris. 

Don’t Forget The Experts!

Choosing the right colour palette is just the first step. Berger Express Painting’s professional team can help you bring your vision to life. The expertise ensures a flawless finish that’s not only beautiful but also durable enough to withstand even the most creative endeavours of your little one.

To sum up, Berger Express Painting offers a complete package, handling everything from initial consultation and estimates to providing trained painters and ensuring a clean, dust-free experience. We provide supervision throughout the project and customer support, so you don’t have to worry about managing the painters yourself.

So unleash your inner designer and get ready to create a space filled with joy and endless possibilities. With Berger Silk Glamor’s wall paint colors and Berger Express Painting’s professional touch, your child’s room will become more than just a room – it will be a world of imagination waiting to be explored.

Reach out to our certified Berger Express Painting professionals for a top-notch painting service.

Simply text XP to 56767 or reach out to us toll-free at 1800 103 6030.

You can also connect with us by clicking on the ‘Get in Touch’ button below and filling out a short form. 

Remember, paint is just the first step!  Accessorise with themed furniture, soft furnishings, and toys. Hang twinkling fairy lights to create a starry night sky or cascading vines. Add a comfy bean bag shaped like a cloud or a fluffy rug that feels like soft grass. The possibilities are endless!

If you want some inspiration when it comes to wall shades from Berger’s Silk Glamor range, we suggest you read this insightful blog, “Unique Wall Combinations Using Silk Glamor.”

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