Living Spaces With Summer-Inspired Hues

Unlock the secrets to a stunning home makeover with colours that capture the essence of summer. 

As the sun graces us with its warm embrace and the days stretch longer, it’s the perfect time to breathe new life into your living spaces. Summer invites us to embrace vibrant hues and refreshing vibes, transforming our homes into havens of joy and relaxation. 

In this blog, we’ll explore how Berger Silk Glamor, coupled with the efficiency of Berger Express Painting, can be the ideal companions for reviving your home during the summer months.

Embracing Vibrant Hues

Summer is synonymous with vibrant colours that evoke the spirit of the season. Berger Silk Glamor offers a wide array of hues to suit every taste and style. With its luxurious finish and rich pigments, it adds depth and character to your walls, transforming them into focal points of beauty.

Elegance Meets Efficiency 

Pairing Berger Silk Glamor with Berger Express Painting takes the hassle out of refreshing your living spaces. The painting service utilises advanced techniques and tools to ensure a swift and seamless painting experience. From faster completion times to minimal disruption, Express Painting simplifies the entire process, allowing you to enjoy your newly-painted walls without the stress.

Creating A Summer Oasis

With Berger Silk Glamor and Express Painting, you can create a summer oasis within your home. Imagine walking into a space adorned with vibrant hues that instantly uplift your mood. 

From the tranquil depths of Exotic Aqua to the fiery embrace of Summer Sun, the world becomes a canvas painted with the hues of summer. Join us as we delve into the captivating colours of the season and discover colours and painting for living room and other spaces in your home. 

Big Mossy Lake Dive Into The Serene Depths Of Big Mossy Lake

Big Mossy Lake is an aqua green hue, reminiscent of serene tropical waters. It can bring a refreshing coolness to your space, making it ideal for creating a tranquil summer retreat. 

Go For It!Burst Of Sunshine To Interiors With Go For It!

If you are looking for interior design wall painting ideas, look no further. Add a burst of sunshine to your interiors with Go For It!, a lively and vibrant sunny yellow. This colour captures the joyful spirit of summer, instantly brightening any room with its cheerful and energetic presence. 

Moroccon SandEmbrace The Earthy Elegance Of Moroccon Sand

Embrace the earthy elegance of Moroccon Sand, a colour that grounds us in the beauty of nature. Infuse your home with the warm, exotic charm of Moroccan Sand, a rich brown that evokes the beauty of sun-baked landscapes. This earthy tone is ideal for creating a cosy, grounded atmosphere in your interiors. Perfect for living rooms or bedrooms, Moroccan Sand brings a sense of warmth and stability, reminiscent of leisurely summer evenings in far-off places.

Cranberry MistTouch Of Vibrant Sophistication With Cranberry Mist

For a touch of vibrant sophistication, Cranberry Mist offers a delightful cranberry pink that adds a pop of colour to your summer-inspired interiors. This bold yet elegant shade is perfect for creating accent walls, statement furniture pieces, or playful decor items. Cranberry Mist can invigorate any space, bringing a sense of fun and liveliness. 

The possibilities are endless. Add in some breezy curtains, plush cushions, and potted plants to complete the summer look, and you’ll have a sanctuary that beckons you to unwind and relax.


This summer, let Berger Silk Glamor and Express Painting be your allies in transforming your living spaces into vibrant retreats. Embrace the season’s spirit with exciting colours and effortless elegance, and revel in the joy of a home that reflects your style and personality. With Berger, every brushstroke brings you closer to the summer of your dreams.

Berger Silk Glamor offers a luxurious, high-sheen finish that not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your rooms but also provides durability and easy maintenance. Its rich, vibrant colours and smooth texture create an elegant atmosphere, making your interiors look sophisticated and refined. Additionally, Silk Glamor is formulated to resist stains and dirt, ensuring your walls look fresh and new for longer.

The combination of Berger Silk Glamor with Express Painting means you get the best of both worlds: high-quality paint applied efficiently and professionally. The trained experts from Berger use state-of-the-art tools, which significantly reduce dust and ensure a cleaner painting environment. This advanced technology speeds up the process and minimises the inconvenience typically associated with home renovations.

Moreover, Berger Express Painting includes a consultation with colour experts who can guide you in selecting the perfect shades to complement your décor. Their professional approach ensures precise application, reducing the chances of uneven coats or paint splatters, and ultimately delivering a flawless finish. 

To wrap up, by opting for Berger Silk Glamor paired with Berger Express Painting, you invest in a premium, hassle-free painting solution that transforms your living spaces quickly and beautifully. Experience the joy of a stunning, fresh look for your home without the usual mess and disruption, making your painting project a delightful and stress-free endeavour.

If you are thinking of wall painting for living room or any other rooms of your house, connect with us. Simply text XP to 56767 or reach out to us toll-free at 1800 103 6030.

You can also connect with us by clicking on the ‘Get in Touch’ button below and filling out a short form. If you want to know more about Berger Silk Glamor, we suggest you read this insightful blog, “​​Glamorous Three Colour Combinations For Home.”

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