
Category : Brand Speak


Exterior house colours can make your house truly stand out. Choosing the right exterior house colours is a transformative decision that goes beyond mere aesthetics; it’s a statement that reflects your style and enhances your home’s appeal.

Join us as we explore dust resistance and durability with colours that can make your home’s exterior stand up to the elements, maintaining their brilliance over time. From timeless neutrals to vibrant tones, we’ll guide you through a spectrum of choices.

wall paint shade cards

Picking interior home colours might be one of the most fun steps of painting your home. You get to browse through a plethora of options, from the modern grey colour to the classic beige. Every room colour deserves careful consideration.

In this comprehensive guide to interior home colours, we will explore colour trends and the latest wall paint ideas. We will look at the different shades of the most popular colours and break down which room colour is better for a particular space.

Did you know that house painting can yield up to 107% return on investment? That comes as no surprise to most real estate agents who state that exterior house paint colours are the very first thing people tend to notice. Which is why it’s essential to get it right. If you’re thinking of a paint refresh, why not get it right the first time?