In our last few series of blog posts, we spoke about everything you need to know before painting your house, designs and colours to inspire you and secrets of a perfect paint job. Now that the task of painting your house is covered, let’s talk about a few maintenance tips that can help you extend the life of your paint.
In our last few series of blog posts, we spoke about everything you need to know before painting your house, designs and colours to inspire you and secrets of a perfect paint job. Now that the task of painting your house is covered, let’s talk about a few maintenance tips that can help you extend the life of your paint.
Painting your house’s interiors or exteriors can be a huge investment of time and money and you will want to extend the longevity of your paint. Maintaining your paint job is easy, as long as you take time to inspect any damage caused to the interior or exterior walls. You can also go for a new paint job with an innovative product such as Berger WeatherCoat Long Life 10 that does an incredible job of protecting against extreme rain and exterior wall issues.
When you ensure proper paint maintenance for your home interiors and exteriors, your home looks great year-after-year, even if it has been quite a while since your last painting job. It also ensures the foundation of your house remains strong and full-proof and extend the life of your paint so that you can go longer between full painting projects, saving you both money and time.
To show off your new treasure home in the best possible light, consider these tips to give your home a little extra TLC.

Clean Bi-Annually: For most of us, cleaning our houses thoroughly is an annual ritual, usually right before Diwali. However, cleaning your house walls twice a year will restrict the growth of mould and fungus and ensure your walls look vibrant, clean and fresh. Stains, dirt and dust can be removed with a soapy cleanser and soft bristle brush and you can add some disinfectant solution to the mix to keep fungus away from your walls.
Prevent Fading: Paint will fade over time, especially if it is not good quality and is exposed to dust and UV light. When you paint your walls, invest in a good quality paint that will hold its colour. If your paint is being exposed to direct sunlight, it is likely to fade faster, so consider the quality of window coverings to ensure minimal to no damage from sunrays, dust and pollution.
Consider Waterproofing in the Start: Waterproofing your home is an improvement that plays a key role in the maintenance of your home. Lack of waterproofing or bad waterproofing can ruin your expensive paint job. In the end, you will have to redo everything and spend extra money for the same project. It is far easier and practical to ensure your house is waterproof in the start of a paint job and take necessary precautions than repair the damage caused by water to your interiors and exteriors.
One of the best means to keep your home safe from potential water leakages and dampness is by employing scientific waterproofing solutions. Many paint companies, both big and small now offer expert waterproofing solutions for your home that detect if there is any water damage to your walls and provide timely repairs.
Since we are aware that your home’s exterior walls stand exposed to the critical eye, we vouch for WeatherCoat Long Life 10. It is India’s most innovative exterior wall paint that has been designed using PU & Silicon Technology and comes with a 10-year performance warranty.
This product is designed for heavy rainfall areas and provides excellent protection against extreme rain and exterior walls issues. PU gives robust film strength and unmatched sheen to the paint film. It also has excellent dirt pick up resistance thanks to its unique polymer composition that keeps the house looking fresh for years to come.
Invest in Washable Paints: Handprints and other smudges are always likely to happen, especially near the doorway, staircases, shoe rack and kids’ room. The best way to remove these stains is to ensure you wipe it off as quickly as they appear. Paint formulas these days are backed with Cross-Linking Polymers technology that removes even the most stubborn stains, ensuring the house looks spotless and beautiful. For washable paints, we recommend Bergers range of Easy Clean Fresh products

Regular Inspections: Ensure that you regularly inspect the exteriors of your house by paying attention to any damages or changes that might cause damage. If you notice any issues straight away, like water damage or other problems then it is important to have a professional inspect it before the problem gets any worse and ends up causing more time and money to repair it.
Dealing with Mould: Any type of exposure to moisture or humidity can result in mould and mildew problems. This might go undetected to the human eye in the initial stages and once the damage starts to build up and become severe, it might completely destroy your exterior walls. It is suggested to call for professional services that will be able to detect the damage using Moisture Meter to help keep your walls safe. It is also recommended to check for damage with mould where water builds up in monsoons or snow in winters and behind shrubbery and plants against the house which might have allowed moisture to seep in the walls. Make any repairs while they are small to prevent them from increasing and causing damages to your overall paint job.
Pressure Washing: After some years, you might notice buildup of dirt and grime on your house’s exterior paint job. This can be dealt with by pressure washing your exteriors. Pressure washing is highly recommended about five to six years after the last paint job. This can remove dirt and other contaminants that are likely to build up over time. High-pressure washing on the other hand can actually damage your paint finish so carry out the task using normal pressure.
Look Out for Cracks and Peeling: It is important to look out for any cracks or peeling of paint on the walls to minimise damage and paint failures. Peeling often starts from window stills, near the doors, walls closer to the bathroom and kitchen and surfaces painted in darker colour. Check the paint closely and repair immediately, if needed.
Think About the Local Weather: Is your house located in the coastal or hilly region? Below or high sea level? What is the humidity like? Is heavy rain and storms likely or summers are usually extremely hot? Ask yourself these questions before deciding what kind of proofing and safety procedures you need to consider to keep your paint job looking new for years. Adding a layer of tile protector will build a protective layer on the tiles and bricks and protect it from dampness caused by lashing and heavy rains.