Explore The Beauty Of Ajrakh For August 2018

  • calendar-iconAug , 2018
  • Colour Magazine
  • 3 Min Read

Colour Stories

Ajrakh is a popular form of block print popular in the regions of Kutch in Gujarat and Barmer in Rajasthan. Join us in a journey to learn how these extraordinary prints come to life in beautiful colours...

Found mostly on shawls and carpets, Ajrakh includes designs and patterns that are created using block printing by stamps. The commonly used colours to make these patterns are red, blue, black, green and yellow. However, the colour palette is not restricted and one can explore and experiment with a variety of hues. Ajrakh printing uses natural dyes that include both mineral and vegetable dyes, especially Indigo.

Ajrakh is printed as single sided known as 'ekpuri' and double sided 'bipuri'. The process of 'Ajrakh' involves several stages which take days to complete. The process is as follows:


Cotton cloth is taken and washed properly to remove any finish applied in the mill or workshop. The starch that is present is removed from the cloth. The cloth is soaked in a solution of camel dung, castor oil and soda ash and then wrung out and kept overnight. The following day, the cloth is half-dried in the sun and then soaked in the same solution again. This process of Saaj and drying is done about 7-8 times until the cloth foams when rubbed. It is washed again in plain water.


The cloth is washed in a solution of Myrobalan, which is a powdered nut of the Harde tree. It serves as the first mordant in the process of dyeing. The cloth is sun dried on both sides and the excess of Myrobalan on the cloth after drying is brushed off.


A resist of lime that is used for whitewash and gum arabic (Babool tree resin) is printed onto the cloth for the outline of design motifs. This outline printing is called Rekh. The resist is printed on both the sides of the cloth using carved wooden blocks.


Scrap iron and jaggery is mixed with water and left for around 20 days. This makes the water ferrous. The ferrous water is mixed with tamarind seed powder and boiled to make a paste. This paste known as Kat is used for black printing and is printed on both sides of the cloth.


Gum Arabic, alum and clay are mixed into a paste used for the next resist printing. A resist of lime and gum arabic is also printed at this time. This combined stage is called Gach. Finely powdered cow dung is sprinkled on to the printed areas to protect the clay from smudging. The cloth is left to dry naturally for 3-4 days.

Indigo dyeing

The cloth is dyed in indigo. It is dried in the sun and then dyed again in indigo twice for uniformity in colour.


The cloth is washed thoroughly to remove all of the resist print and unfixed dye.


The cloth is then boiled with Alizarine to give the alum-residue areas a bright red colour. The grey areas from the black printing stages become a deep shade. The cloth is boiled in different dyes for different colours. Henna gives a light yellowish-green colour, Rhubarb root gives a pale brownish colour and Madder root gives an orange colour.

Colour Trivia

Colour Facts For August 2018

  1. Did you know that bees and butterflies can see colours that we cannot see? Their range of colour vision actually extends into the ultraviolet. The colours of flowers and the patterns of colour on the wings of the butterfly appear much different to them. Another interesting aspect is that the leaves of the flowers they pollinate have special ultraviolet patterns which guide them deep into the flower. Isn't this fascinating?
  2. Humans use three cones – red, blue and green to see in full colour. However, were you aware that cats and dogs only have blue and green cones, meaning they have a much more muted perception of colour akin to colour blindness in humans? As cats and dogs are not sensitive to red light, they find it difficult distinguishing few of the colours. For example, behavioural tests in dogs have claimed that they can distinguish red from blue, but often confuse red and green. Interesting, isn't it?
  3. The Arctic hare (Lepus arcticus) turns from brown or greyish to stark white in the winter. Isn't that fascinating? According to studies, this transition is associated with the photoperiod, which is the light received during the day. As the days get shorter, the hare's brain stimulates the transition from brown to white. The colour change takes up to 10 weeks usually to complete!

Colour Quotes For August 2018

  • All the other colours are just colours, but purple seems to have a soul - when you look at it, it's looking back at you.

    - Uniek Swain

  • Lighting is everything in a colour.

    - Diana Vreeland

  • I prefer living in colour.

    - David Hockney

Colour Tips For August 2018

  1. Whenever you stop using the paint brush while painting the walls, remember to stand the brush instead of laying it across the top. This will help keep the paint from drying in the bristles and making it tougher to use and clean. Also, take note that a separate paint pail will make the work easier than painting from the original container of paint. Pour over into the pail just a portion of the paint at a time.
  2. It is a good idea to use the buddy system when climbing an extension ladder. In this approach, one person goes up the ladder while the buddy stays on the ground, standing at the base of the ladder holding it in place so as to prevent it from sliding back. If you intend to work on a slippery surface such as hardwood floors, you need to place a non-skid pad under the ladder to help prevent slippage, but the buddy should stay behind the ladder for more safety.
  3. When your brush is loaded with paint, it is easy to create runs by applying too much paint in corners or along the trim. In order to avoid that, start brushing about 1/2 inch away from the cut-in area to apply the paint. As the brush unloads, you need to move over and slowly drag the brush along the trim or corner. Let the bristles gently push the paint against the cut-in area where the walls meet. You may have to do this a few times to get total coverage, but this way you will be able to avoid excess paint along woodwork and in corners.

World Of Colours

Colours & Emotion For August 2018

  1. Colour is the most fascinating element of a painting. In both figurative and abstract painting, colour is used for its decorative beauty, to create mood, to express or arouse an emotion. In nature and in art, colour has a profound effect on the viewer. By convention, grass is green and water is blue. However, artists do not have to imitate the colours that they see in the physical world. Henri Matisse is the man who is credited with revolutionising attitudes towards colour in art. He famously said, "When I put down green, it doesn't mean grass, and when I put down blue, it doesn't mean sky." Interesting, isn't it?
  2. What do you feel when you see the colour red? A study by researchers at Dartmouth College found that a common emotional association to red may be innate. A study involving monkeys found that they avoided people who wore red as opposed to those who wore green or blue. Neuroscientist Jerald Kralik explained that colour provides cues for everything, from what is fine to eat to determining how others feel in different situations. This study is useful for designers as they can figure out the impact of colours such as red on people and use colours accordingly.

Colours & Fashion For August 2018

Colour has an important place in the fashion industry and has entered our everyday language to conjure up images of particular garments appropriate for specific situations: the little black dress; the beautiful red saree; the crisp white shirt; the perfect blue jeans; the sober grey suit.

Have you wondered why you make an instant judgment at someone when you see them? It is the energy that they transfer or the colours they wear which in turn translates their inner being. For instance, red is associated with energy, strength, power, determination. Have you ever wondered why big fashion houses use orange and yellow colours to advertise their spring summer collections? This is because orange combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow.

Colours & Gems For August 2018

  1. Cuprite-Malachite
    Cuprite is named for the Latin cuprum, 'copper', with reference to its copper content. It can form as bright transparent red crystals, or as lustrous, submetallic opaque crystals. Even the opaque form usually has slightly red edges and faint transparency upon back-lighting. Cuprite is often associated together with Native Copper in copper deposits, and often forms as an encrusting reddish coating over the Copper. Malachite is believed to fully or partially coat a layer or pseudo morph over Cuprite, with a fascinating shape and sometimes with a sparkling green crystal form. Doesn't it look marvellous?
  2. Brecciated Jasper
    Brecciated Jasper is considered a stone of vitality and strength. It is a detoxifying stone that stimulates the base and sacral chakras in addition to cleansing and stabilizing the auric field. It promotes good health and recovery from any illness. It is believed to bring focus and mental clarity. It is a wonderful grounding stone which can help those who feel overwhelmed when it comes to the task of organization. It can also help in developing creativity and finding outlets for the expression of this creativity. It sustains and supports the wearer during times of stress, and brings tranquility.

Colours & Nature For August 2018

  1. Shades of blue!
    How often do you look at the sky and get mesmerized by its beauty? The colour of the sky provides valuable information about its condition. Learning about the significance of the sky colour allows you to make an educated guess about the presence of natural haze and air pollution. Azure is a variation of blue that is often described as the colour of the sky on a clear day. A deep blue sky indicates a clean sky. A medium blue shade suggests large amount of water vapour in the sky whereas a pale white milky sky indicates considerable amount of air pollution.
  2. Why does the sky turn pink?
    Do you often wonder why the sky appears to be in beautiful shades of pink, orange and yellow during sunset? These colours are due to a phenomenon called scattering. During sunset, as the sun is low on the horizon, sunlight passes through more air than during the day when the sun is higher. More atmosphere means more molecules to scatter the violet and blue light away from your eyes. When the path is long, all of the blue and violet light scatters out of your line of sight. The other colours continue on their way to your eyes. This is why sunsets are often orange and pink. The sun is red when it's on the horizon, because red has the longest wavelength and thus its extremely long path through the atmosphere blocks all other colours.


Planning To Paint Your Walls This Monsoon?

Monsoon calls for vibrant shades on the walls of your home mainly because the outdoors is dull and gloomy.

Adorn your home with different accessories and colour shade that you find the best. Here are our picks of colours for your home to give it a refreshing look along with making you feel cheerful and peppy.

Lemon yellow

Opt for lemon yellow and ochre for your walls and avoid upholstery and furniture that gets moist easily. Go for plain sofa with colourful cushions to make a bold statement. Adding a bright yellow to an accent wall can transform the room completely. For those who love accent walls, look no further than this arresting shade of yellow for it.


Blue is light and cool on the eyes. It has a lovely visual appeal as it contrasts well with the dim skies during the rains. Whether it is used in the entryway or your bedroom, this graceful wall colour will effortlessly set a relaxed tone for your living space.


Turquoise is a great colour to work with if you wish to add some sophistication to your home. It easily blends with many colours, making it a favourable colour option for the walls of your home. You can even install curtains and display home decor accessories in this lovely shade.


Green captures the essence of the monsoon season and you can indulge in this shade to celebrate the beauty of the rains. It is also a cool colour that is popular for its soothing nature. This shade is perfect for the season and you can work with different hues of green. You can add cushions, bed covers, sheets, mattresses and small accessories in this colour to your home.

Purple and pink

Purple and pink are great together and are a lovely colour combination to create a lively ambiance. Both the colours have the ability to brighten up a dull room, making it ideal for the season.

These were some fun colours to spruce up the walls of your home this rainy season. Hope you find this colour guide handy!

Happy Monsoons!

Looking For Bedroom Paint Colour Ideas?

Your search for bedroom paint colour ideas end here. Get inspired by our favourite bedroom colour ideas to make your bedroom a happier place for you to come home to…

Colours have the power to impact your mood, which is why when considering bedroom wall paint colours, you need to also figure out how the colours make you feel. Let's get started!


Try a glorious shade of sage green to create a cosy feeling in your bedroom. In fact, even a tiny splash of green in your bedroom can breathe new life and instantly revive the whole space. You can opt for soft furnishings for a classy look. Also, bring in some natural elements like warm woods for an organic feel.


Create a sophisticated look in your bedroom with a bold shade of pink. If you are looking to create a romantic feel, this elegant hue is just perfect! It is a soothing colour and ideal to make your bedroom a comforting retreat.


For a bedroom full of positive vibes, your best bet is a sunny shade of yellow. The happy shade is sure to make your bedroom the perfect place to unwind after a long day. It helps to boost the mood and create a welcoming look for guests. Yellow is also known to inspire thinking, making it a great choice if you wish to study in the room.


Orange provides a perky and upbeat feel to a room and is a great colour to play with. However, if you love orange but are concerned about going overboard, you can even consider painting just one wall. It serves as a great backdrop for artwork.

These are few of our favourite colours that you can opt for if your bedroom needs a pick-me-up. Now that you have gotten all the inspiration you can here, what are you waiting for? Pick the bedroom wall paint of your choice and get going!

Wondering How To Properly Paint Your Home's Exterior?

If you are thinking how to properly paint your home’s exterior with exterior paint, look no further, we have a handy guide for you. Read on...

Step 1: Pressure-Wash Walls

Remove all the dirt and dust build-up to ensure best coverage using a pressure washer. It has to be done from top to bottom in a smooth and controlled manner, overlapping each stroke by 8 inches.

Step 2: Repair Damaged Surfaces

You need to make note of all damaged surfaces of your home like wood, metal, masonry, siding or stucco. Use epoxy filler for holes or cracks using spackle knife. When dry, lightly sand using medium-grit sanding block.

Step 3: Remove Loose Paint

Once the exterior of your home is dry, look for any loose or chipped paint. Place drop cloths along the ground and remove chipped and loose paint using a paint scraper or a medium-grit sanding block.

Step 4: Caulk Trim

Use exterior caulk and caulk gun to fill any gaps between house and trim around doors and windows. If you have used mixed materials such as siding and brick, add caulk along the surface where different materials meet.

Step 5: Prime Stains

Assess the exterior for any stains or visible wood knots. Using a paintbrush, apply one coat of stain-blocking primer to the area.

Step 6: Protect Doors, Windows and Lights

Use plastic sheeting and painter's tape to cover doors, windows and lighting fixtures.

Step 7: Paint Exterior

Use a paint sprayer and work your way from top to bottom in a smooth, controlled manner, overlapping each stroke by 8 inches. While changing exterior colour from light to dark or dark to light, use a coat of primer for proper coverage. It is not necessary to use a primer when a fresh coat of existing colour is applied.

Step 8: Paint Trim and Doors

Remove all the plastic sheeting from doors, windows and lighting fixtures and paint them using a paintbrush.

There you go! Keep these steps in mind before you think of painting your home's exterior and also use the right exterior paint for your home.

Colours & Ancient Sciences

Feng Shui For August 2018

A Chinese metaphysical philosophy that brings harmony to an environment and warms up the atmosphere is known as Feng Shui. Read on to know how Feng Shui can help you increase your wealth…

Feng Shui Tips To Increase Your Wealth

Feng Shui makes use of various methods to create an environment at home and in the office that can strengthen you and attract the Feng Shui energies of prosperity and wealth.

Following are few tips -

  1. Create A Strong Front Door
    The front door is called the mouth of chi and its strength and auspicious energy are important to a good Feng Shui house. Doors painted with bold colours like red and yellow are used to attract the wealth chi. The front door can also be protected from bad omen using Feng Shui symbols of protection which include dragons, laughing Buddha, Chinese coins, etc. The aura around the door should be pleasant and welcoming. Therefore, don't place any recycling bins or old pots nearby and make sure that the door opens without squeaking. As soon as you enter the house, there should be balance and harmony around.
  2. Use The Fish Symbol
    Decorate your home or office with a Feng Shui aquarium to attract wealth chi. This is super fun and a lively way to add beauty and wealth to your house and workspaces. You can also use Feng Shui symbols and images of specific fish to bring a sense of wealth to your environment. For instance, consider using images of art in the bedroom, a fish-shaped clock in the living room, a fish shower curtain in the bathroom or fish magnets for the fridge. Placing a small fountain nearby will not only add value to the décor, but also increase the Feng Shui power.
  3. Use Crystals
    Crystals like Citrine and Pyrite are known to attract wealth. Crystals are majorly used in Feng Shui wealth applications. The Citrine crystals are beautiful and elegant. These crystals are known to strengthen one's self esteem and thus they can also be used in the making of jewelry. Crystals can be placed in a simple glass bowl or they can be used to decorate a tree for a beautiful look, full of meaning and clarity.

Reiki For August 2018

Reiki is an ancient Japanese touch therapy similar to a massage which helps in managing chronic pain. Read on to know more about it…

Relief From Chronic Pain Through Reiki!

Defined as pain that lasts longer than three months, chronic pain has become one of the most common reasons for seeking medical attention. Most people who suffer from chronic pain are prescribed pain medications. Increasingly, alternative solutions like Reiki have also proven helpful. It is a multi-purposed method that can heal both physical and emotional ailments.

By using hands on specific parts of your body or even just positioning hands slightly above your body, a qualified Reiki practitioner can help bring relief to your chronic pain and make you feel better. It is a form of alternative medicine also called as 'biofield' therapy.

When our body is under any stress, either physical or mental, we are then likely to be sufferers as the energy flow throughout the body becomes disrupted. Reiki treats both aspects of chronic pain, and thus, encourages a rebalance of the chakras and a general wellness feeling.

In Reiki, healing energy is channelled from the practitioner called as Reiki master to the patient to enhance energy and reduce stress, pain, and fatigue, thereby restoring the body both physically and mentally. It works by opening up a channel between healer and patient to transfer energy.

During a Reiki session, muscles are relaxed, and energy flow is unblocked. This helps reduce physical tension and pain. Anxiety and stress are also reduced which tend to unblock and release emotional pain. Reiki succeeds because it works on a deeper level, influencing the flow of healing energy that promotes a sense of balance and leads to pain relief.

Studies proved that this technique not only helps to reduce the intensity of pain in general but also helps to reduce the intensity of pain for people who are hospitalized. Reiki is considered to be a very low-risk intervention. Reiki will work best in easing chronic pain when used with other forms of treatments like physiotherapy, prescribed medications or acupuncture.

Vaastu For August 2018

In this article, we have come up with some tips to bring about a vibrant change, leading to a happy environment in your house.

Vaastu Guidelines For A Happy Home

Vaastu (house) is a science (shastra) of arranging the five elements – earth, water, fire, air and sky in complete harmony whose main principle is to add value to a man's life. Behind every Vaastu guideline, there is a scientific reasoning that aims to provide an organized and convenient life to everyone.

Following are few Vaastu tips to maintain balance and equilibrium in your home -

  1. At the entrance, if you have a plain wall, place a statue or a picture of Lord Ganesh. This will ensure good vibes at your place.
  2. North-east direction is the best place for meditation. Thus, meditate in this direction to relax your mind and for spiritual growth.
  3. Place scenery frames in the North-east direction, which indicates a long road for good vision and planning.
  4. Place a family photograph in the south-west direction in a golden frame for healthy family relations or a picture / painting of sunflower for a healthy family bond.
  5. Placing red galloping horses in the south direction can provide a steady flow of money and bring harmony.
  6. There should be even numbers of doors and windows in the house.
  7. The kitchen plays a major role in determining the relationship in a family. Maximum distance between gas and sink in the kitchen should be maintained.
  8. Avoid sleeping in any direct arrangement with sharp corners. Sharp corners act as energy spears and create stress in the nervous system.
  9. Fix a fish aquarium in north-east direction of your house for better growth and to reduce negative energy.
  10. Place a picture or painting of a rising sun in the east for healthy social relations.
  11. Remove all the useless clutter, especially under your bed. It weighs you down and keeps your mind subtly connected to the past, which does not allow forward progress.
  12. Place green plants or candles in the bathroom to avoid negative energy and bring brightness.
  13. Place the study table in the east direction to improve concentration.

Keep yourself calm and happy and follow the above tips to keep a positive aura around your living space.

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