What’s your Décor Style?

white and brown living room decor and walls

Each one of us has a particular style. But sometimes we may be unable to define it. Take this quiz to know your decorating style!

What would you like to have as a pet?
  • A) Parrot
  • B) Dog
  • C) Cat
What colours would you love decorating with?
  • A) Metallic shades
  • B) Aqua Blue
  • C) Beige
What’s your favourite drink?
  • A) Fruit Juices
  • B) Cocktails
  • C) Beer
Where do you want to spend your retired life?
  • A) New York
  • B) Himachal Pradesh
  • C) Your own city/native place
Who would you like to have to dinner?
  • A) The PM
  • B) A World Traveller
  • C) A Famous Celebrity
What’s your favourite restaurant?
  • A) Italian Bistro
  • B) Plush Diner
  • C) Local Eateries
What's your favourite movie genre?
  • A) Artsy, thought-provoking dramas
  • B) Romantic comedies & action
  • C) Timeless classics
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