Deck up your Home this Festive Season!

Festivals are a time when friends and families get together and have a good time. But the experience will not be the same if everyone is crowded around a cluttered centre table in a messy living room, isn't it? Decking up your home is as important as prettying up yourself in great clothes and jewellery. So let's achieve that picture perfect look for a festive and happy home!

1. Spring Cleaning
This term is a misnomer at present but we'll go with it anyway. Before any kind of festival, one of the most important steps is cleaning your entire house from top to bottom. Get rid of any clutter making your home unnecessarily messy, that carpet may look clean enough but accumulated dust and dirt can make your home smellier. Wipe dust and dirt from surfaces, especially those which do not receive regular dusting, like the tops of cupboards, fans, etc. Do away with any boxes you may have forgotten to throw and lift all the possible books/toys/artefacts strewn around. This will make it easier to redecorate too, should you decide to do so.

2. Decor and Design
While it may seem like a great idea to paint your home a bright colour to usher in the festivals, do you really want your home to be a vivid, red shade all throughout the year? Instead of opting for much more permanent and expensive paints, opt for decals. You can buy gorgeous wall decals at reasonable rates that reflect traditional motifs and can even be festival specific! Not only this, but decals can come off easily too the minute you are tired of them. Another smart tip is to just change the basic upholstery. Swap simple cushion covers, tablecloths, etc. for fancier ones and it will make the house instantly prettier.

3. Thoughtful Additions
Lastly, festivals are a great time to evaluate if your home is truly guest-ready. Buy an adequate stock of disposable utensils and foldable tables for your convenience. Try and see if the space under your bed can be used as a storage space and get cabinets built on top of cupboards if there is space between them and the ceiling. You could also purchase inflatable mattresses or foldable bedding because you never know when fate gifts you some surprise houseguests!

Have a happy festival season!


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Working from home? Here are some tips to get the customised home-office space of your dreams.

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The Best of Both Worlds

Have a second home or a vacation home tucked away somewhere? Keep it manageable and stunning year round...

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We Second your Décor Choices

The Best of Both Worlds!

An increasing number of people are opting to work from home to cope with the growing responsibilities of balancing a personal life with a professional one and this makes it essential that one has a functional, well-designed office space at home where they can be productive and comfortable at the same time. Here are some tips to get the customised home-office space of your dreams.

1. The Basic Decor Style
While your workstation at office may be more utilitarian with just some personalized touches, your home office can be an extension of your personal style. See to it that the office doesn't stand out like a sore thumb and pick out furniture and other accessories in sync with the way the rest of your home is done. If you're lucky enough to be able to devote an entire room to the office, then you do have infinitely more scope to play around with the decor.

2. The Desk and Chair
Going by the effort you're putting into your workspace, it is certain that you will be spending more than a couple of hours sitting there every day. This makes it compulsory to invest in a good chair with plenty of back support. The desk size must be influenced by the amount of space you have available. Try and get one with built in drawers for maximum convenience. A footstool is handy too.

3. Storage and Shelving
Most of the times, extra papers from work are dumped at home but what will you do now? Thus, it is necessary to have well designed storing cabinets and shelves for the least clutter possible and of course, for ease of organisation. You can always get a filing cabinet apart from the desk drawers. If there is no space on the floor, another idea is hanging shelves nailed to the wall. Mesh containers, folders with multiple sections, mason jars and compartmentalized trays are great ways to keep knick-knacks and stationery organized.

4. Lighting and More
If the lighting above your workspace isn't right, you're going to be unable to get any work done. Invest in good quality lights, whether you want them attached to the wall, or overhead, hanging lights, that is up to you. Accessorize your space with a few frames, an inspiration board or anything that makes your space feel more positive and conducive to a good work-day.!

Let's hope these tips help to increase productivity and output. Happy working, everyone!


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The festive season is around the corner! Now that you’ve prepped your dress and jewellery, let’s make your home extra beautiful...

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Deck up your Home this Festive Season

Have a second home or a vacation home tucked away somewhere? Keep it manageable and stunning year round...

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We Second your Décor Choices

We Second your Décor Choices!

Vacation homes or second homes have been quite the rage for a couple of years now with more and more people opting for them. Read on to find out how to decorate it so that it is low maintenance and easy to clean, while remaining stunning all year round!

Whatever décor or paint palette you select for your home, the kind of paint is also equally important. High quality, glossy paint is best suited to withstand all weather and any dirt the elements might bring in, in case you own a waterfront property. It is also less likely that this type of paint will chip quickly and it is also easier to clean.

However tempting it is to select high end furniture and statement accessories, you have to remember that you won't be able to come here more than 2-3 times a month, and if you have guests over, cleaning such homes can be a nightmare. Invest in slipcovers for all your upholstery and try going for glass table tops instead of hardwood ones. Unless you can hire someone to come and clean at least a couple of times every month, it's best to stay away from furry carpets since they require constant care.

One thing you can be sure of is that you can never predict all kinds of situations. For this reason, it is best to have an extra of everything. Bar stools that can be tucked away into corners when unused are immensely handy! Whether you want to use them as make-shift tables, put them out on the balcony or the deck. Fit your home with plenty of open shelves in bathrooms and guest rooms, so essentials can be kept on them and guests don't need to ask you every time they need something. Remain prepared with extra utensils and cutlery at all times too.

There are Pinterest boards galore telling you what you could do with a second home, but the most important thing to remember, is that the home is yours! So even if printed upholstery looks gorgeous in multiple homes, do not select it if the trend is not in sync with your personal style. Your home should be a place for you to relax and unwind and you can do it best if you love how it feels and looks. Bring in some pieces from your primary residence too for some added comfort and familiarity.

Let's hope these tips help to increase productivity and output. Happy working, everyone!

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The festive season is around the corner! Now that you’ve prepped your dress and jewellery, let’s make your home extra beautiful...

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Deck up your Home this Festive Season

Working from home? Here are some tips to get the customised home-office space of your dreams.

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The Best of Both Worlds