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Caution Notice

It has come to our notice that certain unscrupulous persons are falsely claiming to be representing Berger Paints Limited/ Berger Paints (our Company) and are posting false information by offering dealerships and other services such as distribution, painting services of our Company including by using a clone/fake website (https://www.bergerpaintdealership.com/). The clone/fake website is deceptively developed using our trademarks/logos, artistic works (such as but not limited to ), branding, email ids and the like in a manner that it appears to be the original website of the Company. The said persons are fraudulently seeking monies from third parties who are being misled into believing that such persons are offering dealerships on the Company’s behalf. Specifically, we have noticed that dealerships are being offered online including through the said clone/fake website. Further we have noticed that an individual under the name of Mr. Deepak Saxena has got in contact with a third party to extort money under the garb of offering dealership on our behalf. The email address listed on the above-mentioned clone/fake website is (mailto:business@bergerpaintdealership.com) and is maliciously set up to extort money in the name of our Company. Please note that we have never authorized such parties to offer dealerships in our name.

The aforesaid wrongful use of our name/trademarks/fake materials violates our rights, and we disclaim all liabilities arising out of such dealings.

Members of the public and the trade are hereby cautioned against dealing with such unscrupulous persons and are requested to bring to our notice (at the below address) such wrongful activities to enable us to institute appropriate legal proceedings, both civil and criminal, to curb such activities. Please note that the correct website /domain name of the Company is (www.bergerpaints.com and we would recommend checking the authenticity of each claim at the below contact details.

  1. Berger Paints endeavors to ensure that the data and other material in this section are correct and complete, but does not accept liability for any error made or omission from this section.

  2. Berger Paints shall not be liable for any claims or losses of any nature, arising indirectly or directly from use of the data or material on this section or unauthorized access to this section or otherwise howsoever arising (except to the extent required by law).

  3. There have been a few instances of fraudulent emails going out with offers such as Berger Paints India offering 2 litres of paint free of cost. If you do receive any such communication, it is most likely to be a fraudulent scam. We advise caution in such a scenario and kindly request you to verify by contacting us directly in such cases.

  4. Provision of painting services is subject to contract between customers and contractor. Berger Paints India Limited supplies paints and provides training only.

  5. All the existing promotional materials available on social media and on the website of Berger Paints India featuring actress Katrina Kaif has been archived and is not being used for promotional purposes.

  6. Estimated cost of material only (Labour cost varies from city to city and is not included).