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Ruff & Tuff Decora Rollercoat

A copolymer Acrylic emulsion based textured coating reinforced with quartz & marble powder, which reasonably helps to hide surface defects and provides richness to overall building structure.


  1. Property 1=BG (13)_0.png

    All Weather Durability

    The Berger Ruff 'N' Tuff - Decora Rollercoat resists weather damage and offers unmatched durability.

  2. Property 1=BG (14)_0.png

    Assorted Decorative Finishes

    Witness the magic of quartz and marble powder to complement your walls.

  3. Property 1=BG (15)_3.png

    Excellent Durability

    Use Berger Ruff N Tuff - Decora Rollercoat guard walls against water damage and cracks.

  4. Property 1=BG (12)_9.png

    Low VOC

    Enhance the air quality with low-VOC in the Berger Ruff N Tuff - Decora Rollercoat.

Product Specs

  • Product Data Sheet


Texture Try On

  • Bungalow
  • Duplex
  • Villa
  • Apartment
  • Sloping Roof
  • Texture
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